How To Make Asphalt With Asphalt Production Plant Properly

If you want to construct an asphalt plant once it has arrived, you may find this to be a very daunting task. There are many components that must be put together, not only in a sturdy fashion, but in the right locations. All of the different components work together to produce the asphalt at the fastest rate possible. If this is not done right, you could end up with a diminished amount of asphalt production, or it may not work properly out all. Here is an overview of the different components that you will need to put together, and how to put them in the right positions.

What Does An Asphalt Plant Consist Of?

Asphalt plants consist of several different components. This will include the cold feed storage bins, the asphalt storage tanks, and the storage silos. The parts that will make the asphalt include the primary and secondary collectors, the batch tower, and the drying drum. When all of these are put together in the right order, you will have a steady flow of the initial components which will consist of bitumen, fly ash, sand, gravel, and other components that you will use in the production of the asphalt.

Asphalt plants consist of several different components
Asphalt plants consist of several different components

The Components From First To Last

The apparatus starts with the cold feed bins. This is where all of the individual components are stored. These are connected to a conveyor belt which will send them directly into what is called the dryer drum. From there, this will be fed into the primary collector, secondary collector and eventually the batch tower. Once it has been batched, which means mixed together, it will then be sent to the storage silo. Secondarily, you will have asphalt storage tanks to the side, placed near all of these components that you have constructed. All of this will be operated through a power supply which can be either electricity or through some type of diesel generator.

How To Obtain All Of These Components

All of these can be purchased at one time from businesses that produce asphalt plants on a daily basis. However, if you already have one, and you want to expand your operations, you can talk to them about ordering individual components that will improve your situation. You may need to bring in an entirely new batch tower, or perhaps you need more cold feed bins or larger ones to increase your production. The same companies that sell entire units will also have individual components that you can also purchase, learn more the components:

asphalt production plant
asphalt production plant

Once you have put everything together, in the proper order, once the power is on it will begin to produce asphalt for you. Just make sure that you have enough storage silo tanks, and asphalt storage tanks, to contain all of the asphalt you are producing. Additionally, if you want to increase production significantly, you will have to increase the size and capacity of the dryer drum, batch tower, and the collectors. Whether you are a small business, or you would like to become the primary source for asphalt in your region, you now know how to put together a fully functional asphalt production plant.